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.NET XSLT Processor not displaying errors

I'm having problems seeing errors that are being sent back from the .NET 4.0 XSLT processor. I've created a slice that causes a parser error: http://xsltcake.com/slices/iWXWFY/5

Make sure that the chosen XSLT processor is chosen, then click run. It seems as though nothing has happened, but looking at the Network tab of the Devloper tools in Chrome, I received the following JSON response after clicking the Run button:

{"Result":null,"Errors":"Name cannot begin with the \u0027.\u0027 character, hexadecimal value 0x2E. System.Xml.Xsl.XslLoadException"}

David Ipsen , 20.09.2012, 16:07
Idea status: in process


brandless, 20.09.2012, 16:17
Thank you again, we will look into this as soon as we can and get back to you
brandless, 20.09.2012, 22:55
Hi again, this should now be fixed - please take a look and if you can confirm here we'll close this bug up!

Thanks again!

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